Repetitio est mater studiorum sed amica incerta cognitionis

Primacy Of Number (2002)

>> 14 mar 2009


Music by Philip Glass
Cello solos by Yo-Yo Ma
Conducted by Michael Riesman
Orchestra: The Philip Glass Ensemble
Performers: Michael Riesman (Keyboards), Lisa Bielawa (Voice soprano), Jon Gibson (Saxo soprano), Richard Peck (Saxo tenor).

From OST “Naqoyqatsi” (2002) by Philip Glass.

Clip taken from “Naqoyqatsi”, final film “Qatsi” from the Hopi's-trilogy by Godfrey Reggio.
Visual whirl about digital technology (as a consequence of “number”), also images of the calamities that come with knowledge and even a simple discovery. More promptly than any other area, the available knowledge serves an ancient and insane human activity (but without humanity): the war.


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