Repetitio est mater studiorum sed amica incerta cognitionis

Koyaanisqatsi [trailer] (1982)

>> 14 mar 2009


Also know “Koyaanisqatsi: Life out of Balance”.
Directed by Godfrey Reggio
Written by Ron Fricke, Michael Hoenig, Godfrey Reggio & Alton Walpole
Original music by Philip Glass

Release: 24 Aug 1983 (France), first preview 27 Apr 1982 in Santa Fe Film Festival (USA)
Genre: Documentary
Country: USA


From Hopi language: crazy life, life in turmoil, life disintegrating, life out of balance, a state of life that calls for another way of living.
“Koyaanisqatsi” is a film without actors or words. Are 87 minutes of natural landscapes, artificial cities and people in their everyday life, all with stunning images of the actual speed change, managed at the discretion of the director. The management of the shots, that is your approach or distancing, increased speed, as well as music, are tools that can occupy that place “emptiness” of dialogue or narration. This experimental language film truly is much more communicative than the traditional language, largely because it is more primitive, more sensory and less intellectual.


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