Repetitio est mater studiorum sed amica incerta cognitionis

The Grid [excerpt] (1982)

>> 19 mar 2009


Music by Philip Glass
Conducted by Michael Riesman
Performed by The Philip Glass Ensemble
Chorus: The Western Wind Vocal Ensemble
... And a great cast.

Clip taken from “Koyaanisqatsi” (1982), first film from the Hopi's-trilogy by Godfrey Reggio.
"The Grid" is the longest sequence of the film is over twenty minutes despite the speed of the shots, faster than in general contributes to shape in less time what it seeks to convey. The speed is the speed of modern life.
Despite the film acceleration moon with this quiet peaceful place healthy and natural rhythm, creating a sharp contrast with crowds of people who, deprived of time to question it, are anonymous players in a frantic pace meaningless.


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