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Philip Glass - Music With Roots In The Aether [by Robert Ashley] (1975)

>> 22 abr 2009

.. "Music With Roots In The Aether", an artwork by Robert Ashley, is comprised of seven two-hour programs featuring noted american experimental composers, created during the 1970's. Each program is two hours long and consists of one part Landscape / Interview (one hour) and one part live performance (one hour) with Ensemble.
..Landscape with Philip Glass
..from "Music With Roots In The Aether" [Robert Ashley documentary's] (1975)

.. audio: The Music Of Philip Glass - The Music of Philip Glass - Music In 12 Parts; Part 2; Act 1, Scene 1; Einstein On The Beach

...Vale la pena dejar correr los 57 minutos de conversación...

para luego escuchar a Glass...

fuente: ubuweb


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