Repetitio est mater studiorum sed amica incerta cognitionis

Anima Mundi (1992)

>> 1 feb 2009


The title "Anima Mundi" conjures up a harmonic principle controlling the laws of life on earth in all its various forms and relationships, a marvelous balanced and harmonious Whole

Directed by Godfrey Reggio
Written by Godfrey Reggio
Original Music by Philip Glass

Release: 7 May 1993 (New York), preview Feb 1992 in Bombay International Film Festival (India)
Genre: Documentary
Country: USA

.info IMDb
A poetic combination of music and images created from the finest existing footage from the naturalist film field, interwoven with original images and accompanied by a continuous soundtrack.
Designed to celebrate the Biological Diversity Campaign of WWF (World Wildlife Fund)


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