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Looking Glass [trailer] (2005)*

>> 5 abr 2009


Directed by Éric Darmon
Written by Éric Darmon and Franck Mallet
Music by Philip Glass

* Release: 18 Oct. 2005; Preview [only 60’] 2 Oct. 2004, Paris (France)
Genre: Documentary
Country: France
This intimate documentary allows us to follow the composer Philip Glass, during the first seven months of 2003. From New York to London, from Paris to Boston, the camera observes his actions, his meetings, his multiple collaborations. At home and in performance, step by step from the private world of creation, via the process of writing out the score and initial rehearsals with the musicians, to recording in the studio.
The film enhanced [2005] also contains additional previously unreleased items, including an interview about his childhood, his teacher Nadia Boulanger, his early collaborations with Ravi Shankar and Bob Wilson, the composers of the past and composers of his generation, and more...
"Looking Glass" is the 5th volume in the series "Juxtaposition", a french collection dedicated to contemporary music.

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