... from "HOME OF THE BRAVE : A film by Laurie Anderson"
El Paraíso es exactamente Donde estás ahora mismo Sólo que mucho mucho Mejor. Ví a este chico en el tren Y parecía atascado En uno de aquellos trances abstractos. Y se estaba yendo: “Ugh…Ugh…Ugh…” Y Fred dijo: “Pienso que padece algún dolor. Pienso que es un lloro de dolor.” Y yo dije: “¿Lloro de dolor? Entonces el lenguaje es un virus. “¡El lenguaje! ¡Es un virus! ¡El lenguaje! ¡Es un virus! Bien, estaba hablando con un amigo Y yo le decía: te quería. Y te buscaba. Pero no podía encontrarte. No podía encontrarte. Y él dijo: ¡Eh! ¿Me estás hablando a mí? ¿O solo estás practicando Para una de tus actuaciones? ¿Huh? ¡El lenguaje! ¡Es un virus! ¡El lenguaje! ¡Es un virus! Dijo: Tuve que escribir esa carta a tu madre. Y tuve que decirle al juez que fuiste tú. Y tuve que vender el coche e irme a Florida. Porque ésa es mi forma de decir (es un encanto.) Que te quiero. Y (es un trabajo) tuve que llamarte al amanecer (¿Por qué?) Y enumerar las veces que me había equivocado. Porque ésa es mi forma de decir Que lo siento. (Es un trabajo.) ¡El lenguaje! ¡Es un virus! El Paraíso es exactamente Donde estás ahora mismo Sólo que mucho mucho (es un naufragio,) Mejor. (Es un trabajo.) ¿Sabes? No creo que haya cosas como la televisión, Quiero decir – Te muestran las mismas imágenes una y otra vez. Y cuando hablan sólo emiten sonidos Que más o menos gesticulan Con sus labios. ¡Eso es lo que creo! ¡El lenguaje! ¡Es un virus! ¡El lenguaje! ¡Es un virus! ¡El lenguaje! ¡Es un virus! Bien, soñé que había una isla Que emergió del mar. Y todo el mundo en la isla Era alguien de la televisión. Y había una hermosa vista Pero nadie podía ver. Porque todo el mundo en la isla Decía: ¡Mírame! ¡Mírame! ¡Mírame! ¡Mírame! Porque todos vivían en una isla Que emergió del mar. Y todo el mundo en la isla Era alguien de la televisión. Y había una hermosa vista Pero nadie podía ver. Porque todo el mundo en la isla Decía: ¡Mírame! ¡Mírame! ¡Mírame! ¡Mírame! ¡Mírame! El Paraíso está exactamente Donde tú estás ahora mismo Solo que mucho mucho mejor.

. .tracks
Christopher Columbus The Dipsy Doodle Judy I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm Lullaby Of The Leaves Idaho
Tuxedo Junction Amor As Long As I Live Opus # 1 I'll Remember April Jersey Bounce .Buddy's last recordings were released as part of Alshire's "Pipe Organ Plus" series. Originally brought in to play the piano part, his fascination with pipe organs led him to suggest a more prominent role, and he ended up recording these parts on the pipe organ he had built for himself in his own home..
. . Carátula exquisita, el contenido también... .
. .tracks One White Whale The Island Where I Come From Pieces And Parts Here With You Slip Away My Compensation Dark Angel Broken Washington Street Statue Of Liberty One Beautiful EveningLife On A String . credits Laurie Anderson vocal, keyboard, violin, gongs, percussion Ben Rubin bells Bill Frisell guitar Chris Speed saxophone Cuong Vu trumpet Danny Frankel percussion, hand claps, "box-o-toys" David Torn open loop Eric Friedlander cello Eyvind Kang violin Greg Cohen acoustic bass Hal Willner turntables, samples Jamshied Sharifi keyboards, strings Joey Baron percussion, drums John Kelly background vocal Liheng bariton banhu Lou Reed guitar Mino Cinelu percussion Mitchell Froom keyboards, claviola, mellotron, wurlitzer Mocean Worker beats, keyboards Peter Scherer keyboards, percussion Tom Nelis vocal Skúli Sverrisson bass, high bass, little organ, percussion programming Van Dyke Parks string arrangements, keyboards Vinicius Cantuaria percussion Ann Leathers, Carol Webb, Jan Mullen, Jonathan Dinklage, Ricky Sortomme, Joel Pitchon, Ellen Payne, Barry Finclair, Enrico Di Cecco, Heidi Modr & Jean Ingram: violin Sue Pray, Karen Dreyfus, Vincent Lionti & Judith Wilmer: viola Fredrick Zlotkin & Jeanne LeBlanc: cello Timothy Cobb bass .
. from "HOME OF THE BRAVE: A film by Laurie Anderson" (1986) .
 ... De no ser por el reflejo del flash, era el "beso" perfecto... .
. from album "BIG SCIENCE" (1982) .
 ............................... La fé lo puede casi todo... .
. . tracks . Laurie Anderson Dr. Miller Saxophone - Perry Hoberman Synthesizer, Percussion, Performer [Pa] - Laurie Anderson Written-By - Laurie Anderson , Perry Hoberman . Laurie Anderson It Was Up In The Mountains Voice [Read By] - Paul From L.A. . Laurie Anderson Drums Drums - Wharton Tiers . Laurie Anderson Closed Circuits Electronics [Microphone Stand Turned Through Harmonizer], Percussion [Wood Block] - Laurie Anderson . Laurie Anderson Born, Never Asked Organ [Farfisa], Handclaps, Violin, Marimba - Laurie Anderson . John Giorno I Don't Need It, I Don't Want It, And You Cheated Me Right Out Of It . John Giorno Completely Attached To Delusion . William S. Burroughs Introducing John Stanley Hart; He Entered The Bar With The Best Intentions (from “Ah Pook Is Here”) . William S. Burroughs Twilight's Last Gleamings . William S. Burroughs My Protagonist Kim Carson (from “The Place Of Dead Roads”) . William S. Burroughs Salt Chunk Mary; Like Mr. Hart, Kim Has A Dark Side To His Character (from “The Place Of Dead Roads”) . William S. Burroughs Progressive Education (from “The Place Of Dead Roads”) . William S. Burroughs The Wild Fruits (from “The Place Of Dead Roads”) . William S. Burroughs The Unworthy Vessel (from “Nova Express”) . Laurie Anderson For Electronic Dogs / Structuralist Film Making Drums - Wharton Tiers Violin, Electronics - Laurie Anderson . William S. Burroughs His Name Is Clem Snide (from “Cities Of The Red Night”) / Hart Couldn't Hear The Word Death (from “Ah Pook Is Here”) . John Giorno Excerpt From Put Your Ear To Stone & Open Your Heart To The Sky .
Laurie Spiegel playing improvisation on a "Concerto Generator" with the Bell Labs Digital Synthesizer, better known as the Alles Machine or Alice, an experimental additive synthesizer designed by Harold G. Alles and Douglas Bayer at Bell Labs (NJ) in 1977-78.
Written by Laurie in C language software (created in 1972 by Dennis M. Ritchie), this composition was commissioned by Bell Labs and the Motion Picture Academy for the 50th anniversary of talking pictures.
The instrument is possibly the first realtime digital synthesizer. .
. .reissue 1997 (subtitled "Women In Electronic Music") . Selection: Charles Amirkhanian
Johanna M. Beyer - Music Of The Spheres [1938] * Performed by The Electric Weasel Ensemble Donald Buchla - Frequency Shifting Brenda Hutchinson - Pulse Control Allen Strange , David Morse , Stephen Ruppenthal - Synthesizer Charles Amirkhanian - Triangle
Annea Lockwood - World Rhythms [1975]
Pauline Oliveros - Bye Bye Butterfly [1965]
Laurie Spiegel - Appalachian Grove I [1974]
Megan Roberts - I Could Sit Here All Day [1976] Danny Sofer - Drums Phill Loarie & William Novak - Voice
Ruth Anderson - Points [1973-74]
Laurie Anderson - New York Social Life [1977] Scott Johnson - Tambura Laurie Anderson - Voice, Performer (Telephone)
Laurie Anderson - Time To Go (For Diego) [1977] Scott Johnson - Guitar, Organ Laurie Anderson – Voice, Violin
(*) The ideas of early electro-acoustic composers exceeded the available technology. The first performance of "Music Of The Spheres" as conceived by Beyer was produced and recorded in 1977 specifically for this album (for example, the violins were replaced for the three electronic instruments specified in her original score). .
.original 1977 .
. . performances compiled by Bob George double Lp
A-side Vito Acconci - Ten Packed Minutes [1977], musical excerpts from the recordings by Leon Redbone, Cow Cow Davenport, Eric Dolphy, Ornette Coleman and Karl Berger Jana Haimsohn - Hav'a Lava Flow [1977] Terry Fox - The Labyrinth Scored For The Purrs Of 11 Different Cats [1976], cutting
B-side Julia Heyward - Mongolian Face Slap Big Coup (Part One) Nose Flute (Part Two) [1977] Dennis Oppenheim - Broken Record Blues [1976] Meredith Monk - Rally, for 25 voices [1975-76] Meredith Monk - Procession, voice and piano from the opera "Quarry" [1975-76]
C side Diego Cortez – Arbiter [1975] Diego Cortez - You Pay [1975] (Sound track for the film "Poisoning", 1975) Jim Burton - High Country Helium [1976] (with John Deak - viola, percussion, Ed Friedman - Bottle Neck Guitar, Jim Burton - Peddle Steel) Leandro Katz - Animal Hours [1977] (Votes: Judith Hindra, Ellen Friedenberg, Ted Castle, Leandro Katz) Connie Beckley - Triad Triangle [1977]
D side Laurie Anderson - Two Songs For Tape Bow Violin*: Ethics Is The Esthetics Of The Few-Ture (Lenin), Song For Juanita [1977] Laurie Anderson - Is Anybody Home [1976] (for ship's siren, camera, stairs, piano and vocals, with Peter Gordon - clarinet; Joe Kos - drums, Scott Johnson - Bass; Laurie Anderson - vocals and violin) Laurie Anderson - It's Not The Bullett That Kills You - It's The Hole (For Chris Burden) [1976] (with Scott Johnson - guitar, bass, Joe Kos - drums, Ken Deilik - harmonica; Laurie Anderson - violin and vocals, Scott Johnson, Laurie Anderson and Ken Deifik - Arrangement) Diego Cortez - Cataract Monologue [1976] (excerpts of a speech on “April meeting”, Belgrade, 1976) Jacki Apple - Black Holes / Blue Sky Dreams Richard Nonas - What Do You Know [1976-77]
(*) Laurie Anderson, Two Songs for Tape Bow Violin (single) Holly Solomon Gallery, New York, 1977. Produced by Bob George, was part of Laurie Anderson one-woman show at the Holly Solomon Gallery in New York, and was displayed in a juke-box. The show contained work which was considered part of the at the time very much acknowledged “narrative art”. Laurie Anderson carried this movement, which mainly used a combination of fotografy and text into the new context of analogue and electronic audiovisual media and their application in performance art. .
. . "Duets Sobre Hielo" (1974) [Documental-Foto: Bob Bielecki] .
. "Big Ego", Artistas Varios en estilo Experimental, Spoken Word, etc. Laurie Anderson participó en el surco A4 “Three Expediences” . . Rara edición limitada (sólo en cassette), con dos surcos de Anderson (Psycho Acoustics 1 y 2).... . ... & Julia Heyward. "Psycho Acoustics", performance 17.05.1979 . . Heyward - Anderson
. Solo For Tape Bow Violin* (1979) .
 . * Tape-bow violin . El violín cinta-arco es un instrumento creado por Laurie Anderson en 1977. Utiliza registros en cinta magnética en lugar de la crin de caballo tradicional en la proa, y una cabeza de cinta magnética en el puente. Anderson ha actualizado y modificado este dispositivo a través de los años. Ella puede ser vista usando una generación posterior de este dispositivo en su película Home of the Brave durante el segmento "Late Show" en el cual "juega" con la voz de William S. Burroughs: ..."listen to my heartbeat"... "listen"... "listen"... .
 ....... La superposición no quedó tan pareja como la idem ... .
Puede ser que sí, puede ser que no, o puede ser que quién sabe...